About S.A.M.

S.A.M. is a simple way to improve safety and security. S.A.M. expands the usefulness of motion-activated lights, similar to those already in use in millions of homes. S.A.M. combines two motion sensor devices to virtually “see through” a solid door or around a corner.

Safety: every day collisions happen at high volume solid doors. This includes restroom and kitchen doors in restaurants, as well as restroom and stair doors in office buildings, medical centers, and industrial facilities. The S.A.M. device gives an instant visual alert that someone may be on the other side of a solid door. The paired device design can provide warning on both sides or one side of the door. The optional audio alert provides additional utility for the visually impaired or to have presence alerting from a different room (package, pet, or a visitor is at the door).

Security: Flip a switch to activate security mode to activate an alert light only on the interior side when motion is detected on the exterior side of the door. In security mode the light (and audio) on the exterior side is deactivated.

The device is very simple to pair, install, and most of all simple to use. S.A.M. uses advanced wireless technology, however, does not rely on WiFi! This means S.A.M. is very easy to use and can be used in very remote locations.